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Why practice pronunciation?

As a French teacher, I am always looking into sharpening my tools and skills to help my students improve their knowledge and mastery of the French language.

For the past two years, I have focused on learning how to teach pronunciation efficiently, using the Verbo-Tonal Method. MVT, as we call it in French, is based on the fact that, when leaning a new language, sounds that are too different from our mother tongue’s cannot be heard, and therefore cannot be pronounced correctly. This “filter” evolves with exposure to the language and practice. The Verbo-Tonal method is a fun and efficient way to unlock the sounds and pronunciation of French.

Discover the Verbo-Tonal method

French pronunciation classes, French pronunciation made easy with la MVT

If you would like to learn more about the Verbo-Tonal Method, watch this explanatory video by Magali Boureux, from the Padova Alliance Française. You can also practice by yourself with her series of short videos.

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